Does may occasionally reject their kids, leading to challenges in ensuring the newborns receive necessary care. Sometimes it can be one out of an entire litter, or it can be the entire litter. While the reasons behind the rejection aren’t always clear, often there are triggers you can work to manage to promote bonding and the well-being of both the… Read More
Mastering Milking: How Can I Maximize Milk Yield
Milking your goats can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor for those venturing into the world of small-scale dairy farming. While goats are known for their hardiness and adaptability, maximizing milk production requires a thorough understanding of the challenges involved. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common hurdles faced by goat owners during the milking process and provide valuable… Read More
How to Care for Does During Kidding Season
As kidding season approaches, there is excitement and anxiety around bringing new life to our herds. Ensuring the well-being of both the expecting does and their sweet kids is paramount. Explore our essential tips and insights to support goat moms and kids during this crucial time.
How to Assist in the Birth of a Goat Kid (or sheep)
In the ideal world, a goat kidding looks like this: Days on end of listening to baby monitors and watching live streams of your goats over a webcam (Jessica has this camera and Carrissa has this fancier camera) for any sign that kidding is starting. You share photos in Goat Groups on Facebook of the back end of your goat asking “Does she look like… Read More